Editing Lessons and Quizzes
Editing Lessons
If an Administrator tries to edit a published lesson that a learner has taken, analytics will not be affected and learners will not be prompted to retake the lesson. However, for consistency across learners, it's recommended to not significantly edit materials that some Learners have already taken.
Instead, we recommend duplicating the lesson to create a second version, making edits, and then publishing the new version to Learners.
To duplicate a lesson or quiz, click on the settings icon in the upper righthand corner of a quiz, then select Duplicate from the dropdown menu. Select the destination folder and package, edit the content, then share again with the appropriate user group(s).
Editing Quizzes
After a quiz has been published and completed by at least one learner, Administrators are able to make some changes to the quiz without affecting Learner completion or quiz analytics.
Permitted changes include:
- Editing the question text
- Editing the correct answer option(s)
- Editing incorrect answer options
- Changing the correct answer(s)
- Adding an image, video, audio or embed to the “question” section
- Editing the “learner instruction”
- Adding/removing an answer option
- Checking/unchecking the “randomize” option
- Checking/unchecking the “Confidence” option
- Editing “correct answer feedback”
- Editing “incorrect answer feedback”
- Editing “general feedback to appear after the user answers the question”
- Checking/unchecking the “timer” option
Administrators are not permitted to change the following:
- Adding a new slide
- Deleting an existing slide
- Cloning an existing slide
If Administrators wish to add, remove, or clone quiz slides, they will need to create a duplicate of the entire quiz to send out to Learners.
Effects of Editing Quizzes on Reporting and Analytics
"Quiz Results and Grading" Report
On the "Quiz Results and Grading" page, Administrators will see the question presentation exactly as Learners saw it when answering. Changes to existing quizzes will not alter past Learner data. Question text, answer choices, and the learner’s result remain unchanged. Learners taking the updated quiz will see the new changes, and instructors will see the updated question text, answer choices, and results as they were presented to the learners.
These learners saw different answer choices when they took this quiz, which is reflected in the Quiz Results and Grading report.
"Percentage of Correct Answers" Metric
Depending on the significance of your edit, you may have a skewed "Percentage of Correct Answers" metric. Minor changes keeping question presentation intact will not affect the correctness metric. Major changes, like altering correct/incorrect options, might.
Learners retaking the quiz will see the current version. “First attempt” data will not be overwritten, and instructors can view their new results on the “last retake” tab of the “see all answers” page.
- If changes are made to the text of a question, the Insights Dashboard will show the updated version of the question for all learners.
- If changes are made to the answer options of a question, Dashboards will show the answer that was submitted by the learner at the time they took the quiz.
- If changes are made to which answer option is correct, Dashboards will display two records: one for each answer that was ever selected and graded "Correct".